Thursday, August 14, 2008


This site clearly scams! Do not join! I was banned off the site after proving that the admin scams. His email address is

Here is my evidence. I have screen shots too and I've already contacted the IC3. This guy lives in Nova Scotia Canada. He goes by the name of Craig.


I suggest you take this with some seriousness.

My team mate Reerun tells me he was banned from your website because of a mistake he may of had when giving you his information. I was told that he gave you information via telephone. He then got you to repeat what he had given to you and confirmed it when he was satisfied. Now, you're saying that he's banned from the forums because he made a mistake when giving his shipping address. There is something wrong with this picture and the dots sure as heck don't connect

Lets recap here.

* Reerun gives you his shipping address via telephone.
* He later confirms his address, yet theres an error when shipping to that address.
* The only possible fault thereafter would be human error when you filled out the forms yourself.

Speaking of forms, I would like to see some documents. Simply scan them and post a download link.

I'm sure you have a receipt or something on hand.

Anyways, the point of it all is who gives the wrong address when receiving promotional swag items, especially when they have to make an initial deposit to get it?

Also on one last final note. I was a bit suspicious if people were really getting there swag and looked at a few testimonies.

Topic: got my i pod (Read 2 times) - Sweetkarla

TY scarface i recieved my i pod today it is alot better then what i thought it would be

Now when checking her profile, I saw this.

Date Registered: Today at 3:20pm
- Today is August 12 for those reading this post.

Also, did I mention she only made one post?

I was looking at another post made by another member.

Topic: mail (Read 3 times) - pokerguru55

wicked i got my i pod yesterday but i was working all day today but ty for the gift scaface any other prizes for any other sites coming up

Again, I looked when the profile was created since I saw he only made one post and look what I found.

Date Registered: Today at 3:22pm - Today is August 12 for those reading this post.

Notice the correlation? Two testimonies saying they received there swag, yet there accounts were only made today, two minutes a part to be precise. Would it be safe to say that it is YOU Scarface that are scamming people to make deposits in order to get promotional swag. Would it be safe to say that if I were to contact these companies and asked about Extreme Team Poker, that they would say no promotional swag was requested and/or is sent to the poker affiliate Scarface so he can send to his members?

I went digging around some more and found once again, another testimony.

Topic: very mipressed (Read 3 times) - oldmember

I would like to say i am very impressed with scarface,i was a old member form the world team forum he used to have and got a email about depositing 20$ or more to duplicate poker and recieve a i pod.I am rejoining this forum because scarface delievered my i pod in 8 days which he said it might take 10 days but i got it ,i will be telling every poker player i play against about this forum because it is the best and scarface deserves alot of credit

Inside I found something rather usual.

Date Registered: Today at 4:07pm - Today is August 12 for those reading this post.

Point is, as an affiliate marketer, you make money based on how many people deposit. That is why you use affiliate links when people register/download at poker sites. If you didn't do this, it would be pointless and you wouldn't be making any money. You are clearly scamming individuals out of there deposits and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

Since I know you will delete this post, I already know that I will be terminated from this poker league. So be it, because you cannot face the true reality that you are scamming people. If you do not confess to those members on this forum, I will be reporting you to the Internet Crime Complaint Center and the Feds will deal with you. If you as much as dare to remove this post and ban me from this forum, I will take action and report you immediately. After all, you do live in the USA. I hear they have quite the IT department.

As for this, I will be disbanding my team. I do not wish to play on a site that is obviously not legitimate. I advise all other members who are reading this post that you do not play for this league. I also recommend taking extreme caution when joining leagues to ensure they are not ran by this con artist. You clearly broken the Terms of Service from ProBoards and I do not wish to be part of your scheme.

You have 48 hours to rebuttal my argument towards you. If you fail to provide suffice proof that it was not you that created the accounts above and that you actually did send out promotional swag, I would like to see it. Receipts, anything I would like to see otherwise you will be reported.

Best Regards


Reerun himself sent me the emails that you two shared. This was one that caught my attention

"by the way incase you did not check the forum alot of people posted that they did get their prize for depositing at duplicate poker,you made my look like a liar and a fool and you will never get back into my forum again or any tourneys"

Those people, the accounts you created are fake testimonies. People never got there swag and it does prove that you were lying all this time. That this whole league was a scam to your benefit. You are a fool for what you did, and I was hoping a person with your stature would take great lengths to conceal it. All I ask is you to come clean to the forum.

Oh.. And don't call my bluff because I will contact that IC3. Its not the first time I've cracked down internet crime. Oh, and if you shut down the forum, it also proves your actions.



I forgot to mention those who have created accounts using Scarface's referral URL, I strongly suggest you contact that poker site regarding your "Referral" and recommend that they remove it so any future deposits you make, Scarface does not earn any commission from it. Either that or create a new account all together.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Poker Insights - Playing Small Pocket Pairs

Hey guys! This is just a quick video by Phil Gordan showing how to play small pocket pairs. As he says, most amateur players over bet the small pair. Enjoy! Happy Betting

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hell of A Night

So anyways, I decided that I would play a few free-rolls on Absolute Poker last night while talking to some people on MSN. So the first free-roll didn't go over so well, neither did the next three I registered for. It was about 10pm before I played again, and surprisingly enough, the tournament went over pretty well. I was getting half decent cards and I was raking in some half decent pots.

The night was pretty slow, but it was also entertaining. Throughout the tournament, there was some guy flooding the chat about some nonsense and eventually he got kicked by AP Support. It was funny!

Throughout the tournament, I was also trying to get new recruits for this poker league. I've been a member with this league since last year, and they have had numerous private free-rolls that range anywhere from $100 dollar prize pools to up to $1000. We had a point system for teams and individual standings and it worked by a percent. For example, if there were 100 people playing, and you got first, there was a formula where you plug in the 100 people with a few other numbers, divided by whatever and that would give you your points for the night.

With tournaments every weekend, it became a competitive "sport". I really enjoyed playing, but ever since last year, something happened. I'm not sure exactly what happened, but we haven't been getting any weekly tournaments. I believe that its because of the lack of publicity about the poker forum and the lack of players in the forum seeing that the league started fresh this year.

As the night progressed, I was on fire. I was picking up some pretty sick hands and I couldn't believe what I was catching. I had pocket rockets three times that night, one of which I had to fold as well has pocket kings twice. I had about four flushes, seven straights and a numerous amount of full houses. Unfortunately, I got beat on a hand, causing me to lost 90% of my chips followed by my elimination on the proceeding hand. I finished 21st out 5504 entrants.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

First Place Finish!

Ever since I was a child, playing cards was something I always enjoyed doing, especially when growing up with three other siblings. Crazy eights was probably the first card game I learned followed by Go Fish. Soon after, I lost all interest in cards games and found myself playing games on the computer such as Doom95 and Quake. As the years flew by, my interest in card games grew once more, and thats when I learned about poker.

I spent about two years learning about the game and how people have made thousands of dollars online. At a young age, I was influenced into the game by my brother. I started to play online for fun and of course, from time to time, he'd come and join me at a sit & go. Of course I was young, so I only was playing for play money. As my knowledge of the game increased, I started to wonder what it would be like playing for money. If you saying to yourself, wow, that kid had balls to take his parents credit card to fund his account, guess again.

I started registering a various poker sites such as Absolute Poker for there daily free-rolls. After playing my first free roll, I noticed how much I terrible of a player I was. So what happened? I continued to play more and more free-rolls. At first, I was finishing in the 2000's, then the 1000's and eventually the 500's. Weekend after weekend I would continue to play hoping to reach the payout. All I had to do was get to 63rd place to get my 44 cents for about 4 hours worth of game play.

One weekend, I played for five hours until I got fed up. I was getting junk cards, and the blinds were killing me. I had about 75K in chips and I was 80th for chips. I miraculously got pocket aces in a pot over 100K with antes and blinds so I pushed. Three others called and the total pot was just under 400K. Fortunately, I won the hand knocking out several other players and I bumped my way up to 40th place with 77 players remaining. I managed to get a few more hands that night until I reached the final table.

I was down to about 200K in chips, the chip leader was at over 1.4 million in chips, and the blinds were raping everyone. The chip leader was being a bully stealing the blinds and antes and everyone was scared to take action. Fortunately I had pocket kings and decided to push all in, only to be called by the chip leader and four other people. This was a monstrous pot! It could make or break the chip leader, plus if the chip leader wins, half the table is pretty much wiped out. With a pot worth more then 800K, everyone was anxious to see the flop. My hand was KK, vs AK, QQ, QJ. These hands were pretty scary because I only had one out for a set, plus the chip leader had an ace. The flop showed As Jd 8c. I was really pissed because the AK was currently in the lead and the odds of me winning the hand were slim. The next card was a 7s and I knew at the moment, it was game over. The river turned a KING!

I couldn't believe that I made trips on the river and that I took down a pot of over 700K in chips. I played for another hour until I was up against the former chip leader. After winning another a big pot against him, he pretty much done for the night. I told him I was done for the night to, so I told him that I would go all in next hand, no strings attached, and I would also tell him the cards. After recieving my cards, I kind of laughed because I had the worst hand in poker, or was it? He called with AK suited and we saw the flop.

I took home my first place finish and I pocketed $26.77 in six hours and twenty minutes of game play. Not to forget, I was also entered into the $1000 AP Sunday free roll. I placed 29th that night.